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Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
Excellent manual - just what I needed. Although currently available only in German, their are lots of pictures which makes it all very clear.
PHILIPS PE1642 Owner's Manual
you have complet fullfilled my expectance.
Price is OK.
Robert Schmid
Came in the mail within a few hours. Gave clear instruktion on maintaines. Is of great use to have this manual in house
Easy to access. Clear instructions. No problems. Printed fine.
Fiberglass materials Knits
Do not wash fiberglass materials in your washer. Glass particles could stick to the next load and cause skin irritation. Knits are comfortable to wear because they stretch. However, this means that knits are more likely to be stretched and damaged when washed (especially bulky knits). Knits made of synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic tend to keep their original shape more than a knit made of cotton or ramie. 1. Close zippers, fasten hooks and eyes to prevent snagging. 2. Wash small loads to reduce pilling and lint.
Pillows, toys
Washing feather pillows is not recommended unless they are dryer dried. 1. Add detergent then partially fill washer with water; agitate until detergent is dissolved. 2. Place two pillows on opposite sides of the agitator to balance the load. 3. Allow washer to fill completely and continue through the cycle. 4. Stop the washer occasionally to press air from item(s) being washed. Treat as delicate items. Wash in warm water. Wash small items in a mesh bag. Do not wash cotton-filled comforters unless they are quilted or stitched; tucked cotton batting tends to slip and become lumpy.
1. Shake or vacuum to remove loose dirt.
Plastic, items
Quilts, bedspreads
2. Wash more than one small rug at a time. If you wash only one rug, add bath towels to balance the load. A larger rug should be distributed around the agitator to balance the load.
Snowsuits, etc. jackets,
1. Wash only one or two items at a time. Load evenly around the agitator. 2. Stop the washer occasionally to press air from item(s) being washed. 3. Two rinses may be necessary.
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