Very satisfied! I was searching for several days, but nope; till I discovered your webside and there it was at a very reasonable price. Keep up the good work!
Text excerpt from page 30 (click to view)
Severe noise or snow
Is the TV connected correctly to the aerial? Change the direction of the aerial. Is the aerial or its cable damaged? Consult your retailer
Patterns, stripes or noise
I can't turn it on!
Is the aerial receiving interference from high-voltage power lines or wireless transmitters? Consult your retailer Are connected devices too close to the TV? Insert the minimum distance between the aerial and the cause of interference until no interference Is the power cord connected to the AC outlet correctly?
(Doubling of images)
The remote control doesn't work!
Are you receiving interference from signals re�ected off mountains or buildings? Adjust the direction of your aerial, or change to a good-quality directional aerial Are the batteries �at? Are you more than 7 metres away from the TV? Is the "VCR/TV/DVD SWITCH" set to "TV"? When viewing teletext, the TV menu bar does not appear. Depending on the stability of the signal, there may be a time lag when changing channels.