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PHILIPS M2052/11
Owner's Manual

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  • PDF Format
  • Complete manual
  • Language: English, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian
Price: $4.99

Description of PHILIPS M2052/11 Owner's Manual

Complete owner's manual in digital format. The manual will be available for download as PDF file after You purchase it.

Owner's Manual ( sometimes referred to as User's Guide or User's Manual ) contains information on how to use Your device. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address.

The manual is available in languages: English, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian

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Customer Reviews
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Other Reviews
 T4850 ONKYO Owner's Manual by Ronald Morssink;
Bought T4850 High End Tuner a few years ago, but i didn't know where all the buttons were used for. So i purchased the owners manual. Perfect! Just what i needed.
 DC932 PHILIPS Owner's Manual by H.H. Verheyden;
Bought the used Philips car-radio. No manual! Found on this site a copy of the orginal English manual. I am very happy with it. Now I know how to setup and use my "new" car-radio. Recommended site for everybody looking for a manual for (older) products!
 UFD 100 KATHREIN Owner's Manual by Lothar Nickel;
Great deal, you are the only one on earth who could deliver this old manual. Thx so much and have nice chrismas
 PDS502 PIONEER Owner's Manual by Krzysztof Kwitek;
Everything is OK. Owner's Manual I downloaded ( I get link for it by email).
 SV-4100 PANASONIC Owner's Manual by ROBERT MURPHY;
The only reason I gave this less than 4 stars, is because it shouldn't take 24 hrs to have the download available. I was surprised to find that I had to wait until the next day to be able to download the manual that I paid for. The manual itself is the correct manual.

Text excerpt from page 8 (click to view)

Toimenpide : Tulos. Kommentti.


Pieniruutuisissa televisiovastaanottimissa on sisäantenni. Joissakin olosuhteissa ohjelmien vastaanottaminen voi olla vaikeaa. Voit parantaa vastaanottoa käantämällä antennia tai muuttamalla sen asentoa. Jos vastaanotto on edelleen heikko, on käytettävä ulkoantennia. Yhdistä verkkojohto pistorasiaan (220-240 V / 50 Hz). Työnnä kauko-ohjaimen takalevyä nuolen suuntaan. Käytä kahta mukana tullutta R6-tyyppistä paristoa ja katso, että ne tulevat oikein päin. Kytke virta painamalla käyttöpainiketta. Jos vastaanotin pysyy odotustilassa : paina kauko-ohjaimen näppäimiä -P+ .

2 3


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Paina samanaikaisesti molempia näppäimiä. INSTALLATION

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