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Thank you very much, I've been very happy to find this manual on "Owner Manual". It's a perfect copy and it has been really useful for my work!
It took about 24-hours after my payment before I was able to get to the download. Apparently, payment processing is not 100% automated. That is no big deal, just be aware of that going in.
After I got to it, it was in good shape, easy to read, etc. Not some cheap FAX copy looking thing.
Also, this site was the cheapest I found. Another Plus!
Good price, very legible manual, exactly what I needed -- but had to wait a day to actually get the download of the manual. Would have preferred to download it immediately after payment rather than waiting for someone to "process" my order. I was surprised that I had to wait that long.
As the only source for this manual it rather rank quite high since it is well scanned and perfectly readable.
the manual is in good quality and it's in pdf. manual was send in less then 24h.
1. 120V., 60Hz. 2. Amps 2.0/2.7 (max.) at 18,000/14,550 R.P.M. 3. Watts 225/298 (max.) at 18,000/14,550 R.P.M. 3. Line up front of cover and base. 4. Rest cover on front edge of base as shown. 4. Torque 55/100 Nm at 18,000/14,550 R.P.M.
Motor Replacement
1. Remove Power Nozzle cover, nozzle cover and agitator assembly (see BELT REMOVAL. 2. Remove two (2) motor bridge screws. Lift out bridge and motor. NOTE: Observe routing of motor wires and all other wiring before removing motor. 5. Rotate cover back. 3. Hook a finger under the center of the overload protector and lift to free it from the retaining tabs. Remove the overload protector wire terminals. Check continuity by depressing the button completely. When the button is released there should be continuity between the two poles when checked. If all components and items in the troubleshooting guide have been checked and the overload protector continues to trip, it should be replaced. 4. Insert a flat screwdriver blade between the indicator block assembly and the plastic retainer for the four (4) wires. Pry up and out to free the indicator block assembly from the retaining tabs.
6. Press cover firmly until side and rear tabs snap into place. 7. Replace two (2) cover screws.
5. Unscrew wire nuts to free motor lead wires.
6. Install new motor. Assure motor is fully seated on all four (4) front and rear base supports. Rear motor housing flange should be in slot of base support.
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