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Fantastic quality and impressive delivery time. Based on this manual, I recommend this service without hesitation! Five Stars for certain.
Was happy to find the complete owners manual... It's all in there, just like the original...
Thanks for offering this item at such a good price. Proved handy in identifying the part I was looking for my set.
Thr Video Recorder i have is quiet Old and the Producer could Not help me. So i w as very glad to find an offer for the owners Manual for a very fair Price.a I obtained the original Manual very quick and I am happy to have it now.
The PDF copy was immediately available on download after the payment. However, I noticed that the document was in German, and Ihad to contact a German translator to get it translated it to English. The quality of document is legible can be used for my purpose.
Le déclenchement d�un éclair de test pour vérifier la portée, n�est possible que depuis l�appareil, mais pas au moyen du bouton d�essai qui se trouve sur le flash (si possible, activer la surimpression sur l�appareil).
4. Mode automatique non TTL
En mode automatique non TTL, le senseur incorporé au flash mesure la lumière réfléchie par le sujet. Le flash interrompt l�éclair dès que la quantité de lumière est suffisante pour une exposition correcte. Ceci évite d�avoir à recalculer l�ouverture et à corriger les réglages à chaque
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