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Thank´s for your help, I already recived these manual from you
Thank you for your manual It has the basic things to and i use the Oszi for Longer Time.
Actually, I was looking for this information for 3 years!...now thanks to you, the manual is on my hands and of great help, cause I understand now where I was doing wrong connections and wires...excellent, I'll be back to you if in need, thank you.
This manual covers the main equipment features only. While it also includes the procedure for saving and loading from the now long obsolete memory cards it does not mention the how to operate with the optional floppy drive interface so I am still at a loss about how to use this! Note that there is a separate manual covering the MIDI interface and programming via the keyboard, not included in this download. You will also need to get hold of this if you want to use the MIDI interface properly. Basically there is little difference between this manual and the free to download manual for the similar PR60 model.
Good list of manuals. I found a very rare one and easily get. Should be promptly to download, as we must to wait hours even after confirmed payment.
Every oven has its own characteristics. You may find that the cooking times and temperatures you were accustomed with your previous to rangemayneedto bealteredslightly with your new range.Pleaseexpect somedifferences iththisnewrange, w OVEN CONTROLS Thetwo ovenracks aredesigned with a "lock-stop" position keepracks to from accidentally coming completely out of the oven. To replace:Place rack on rack supports, upandpush tilt towardrear of oven.Pullrack out to "lock-stop" positionto be surerack is correctly replaced, To remove: Besurerack is cool.Pull rack out to the "lock-stop"position, Tilt upandcontinue pulling untilrack releases. RACK POSITIONS: RACK (topofoven)usedfor broiling 1 TheOVEN THERMOSTAT knobisused to select and maintain the oven temperature. lwaysturn this knob A justTOthedesired temperature notto a highertemperature ndthenback. a Turnthis knobto OFFwheneverhe t oven is not in use. The SELECTORnobdetermines k the type of ovenoperation. Thisknobis labeledOFF,BAKEand BROIL. To turn the ovenon, boththeThermostat andSelectorknobsmustbeset. The oven will not operate if the Selector knob is left in the OFF position.To turn the oven off, turn both knobs the OFFposition, to thin foods, RACK usedfor one-rackbakingor 2 broilingthickercutsof meat. RACK used 3 formostone-rack baking and for roasting somemeats, RACK used roasting 4 for largemeats, cookinglargerfoodsandfor baking angelfood cake or pie shells. Placefood in theovenonthe centerof therack.Allow2 inches between edge of utensil and the oven sides or adjacentutensils. NEVERplace pans directly on the ovenbottom. onotcover D entirerack with aluminumfoil or place foil directly under utensil. To catch spillovers, ut a pieceof foil a little c rack belowthe rack containing the utensil. PREHEATING Preheatingis necessaryonly for baking. t is notnecessaryo preheat I t for broiling roasting. largerthanthe panandplaceit onthe or Allowoven to heat for 10 to 15 minutesbefore placing food in the oven. Selectingtemperaturehigher than desired willNOT preheatheovenany t faster. Preheating at a higher temperaturemay havea negative effecton bakingresults.
Some ovens are equipped with a Broiler Shieldlocated abovethebroil element.The shield is designed to protectthe knobsduringopen-door broiling. Whenbroiling, pulltheshield out as far as it will extend.After broiling, use a dry potholderand return the shield to its original
TheOVENindicatorlight,located on the backguard control anelturns or p on whenever ovenis turnedon. the Whenthe oven reachesthe preset temperature, indicatorightturns the l ovenelements cycleon and off. Onsomemodels, theindicatorightis l controlledby the thermostatknob. Whenthe thermostat nobis turned k on and off, the oven indicator light will turn on an off.
pushing position liftingthe shieldup and in. by
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