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The item received was as described, as expected. I was pleased with the order. Thank you.
Superb rendition. Drawings (schematics) complete and unabridged. I do a great deal of vintage audio restoration. Documentation is essential for successful repairs. I have found sources over the years that offer good documentation, but rarely all that is necessary. Owner's Manuals has filled that void with complete and legible documentation. They have narrowed my "favorites" to a more manageable collection. This Denon manual in particular contained the latest revisions level, and offered alterations favorable to updating the item. The Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) was well enough detailed to simplify part symbols and physical locations. You will not be disappointed!
Clear and concise. Saved me a lot of time and money.
Superb manual. Exactly what I ordered and made available in a very timely manner.
very fast detailed and accurate hope to do business again
Allgemeiner Teil / General Section
CUC 7303 GB
Es gelten die Vorschriften und Sicherheitshinweise gemä� dem Service Manual "Sicherheit", Materialnummer 72010 800 0000, sowie zusätzlich die eventuell abweichenden, landesspezifischen Vorschriften!
The regulations and safety instructions shall be valid as provided by the "Safety" Service Manual, part number 72010 800 0000, as well as the respective national deviations!
Allgemeine Hinweise
Für das auf der Titelseite aufgeführte Gerät gilt das Service Manual CUC 7303. Diese Ergänzung dokumentiert die Unterschiede bzw. zusätzlichen Bestückungen des Gerätes. Für diese Gerät gelten die Druckplatten- und Schaltplanabbildungen der 6. Ergänzung. Die Bausteinbestückung der Geräte entnehmen Sie bitte der Tabelle auf Seite 2. Grundlage für den Service sind: � Service Manual CUC 7303 (Materialnummer 72010 019 4000) � 6. Ergänzung CUC 7303 (Materialnummer 72010 019 4600) � Service Manual Sicherheit (Materialnummer 72010 800 0000)
General Notes
The Service Manual CUC 7303 applies to the colour television receivers specified on the front page. This supplement describes the differences and the additionally fitted modules of these models. For this model, the circuit diagrams and circuit boards shown in the 6th supplement are applicable. The individual modules of the sets are listed in the table on page 2. Basic instructions for servicing are given in the: � Service Manual CUC 7303 (Part No. 72010 019 4000) � 6th Supplement CUC 7303 (Part No. 72010 019 4600) � Safety Service Manual (Part No. 72010 800 0000)
Allgemeine Hinweise ....................................................................... Modulübersicht ................................................................................ Technische Daten ........................................................................... Ersatzteillisten ................................................................................. 2 2 3 4
Table of Contents
General Notes ................................................................................. Module List ...................................................................................... Technical Data ................................................................................ Spare Parts Lists ............................................................................. 2 2 3 4
Modulübersicht / Module List
Materialnummer Part Number Bestell-Nr. Order No. Chassis Tuner VST
81406 016 1100 81406 016 1500
P 37 - 090 GB (CUC 7303 GB / VNM)
G.CK 7102 GB 29704 004 1900 WW 29704 004 2000
Bildrohrplatte CRT Panel TP 715 (schwarz) TP 750 C (grau)
29305 022 8700
29642 062 1102 29642 062 1900
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