I received the owners manual complete download. Wow did it help me. So glad for your website. Can you include an ownersmanual for people lol!
Thanks, sure I will be back
Although printing quality is not the best, the manual was very helpful in order to reactivate this ancient but still good electronic musical instrument.
Text excerpt from page 133 (click to view)
MovieShaker Software
Shake tray
Shake tab
Shake pattern tray
Shake! button Playback buttons
3 4 5
Click the Shake! button. A 30-second movie is automatically generated. Optional: Add text to your new movie by clicking on the Input button. To preview, rewind, or fast forward your movie, use the Playback buttons.
� Scenes created with the Shake feature begin with a black screen in the Shake tray
window. Your scenes appear during movie playback. You can improve the image quality produced by the Shake feature (at the cost of longer Shake times) by turning off the �Shorten the Shake time� feature in the General panel of the Setting dialog box. See the Menu reference section of the online Help file for details.
Adding effects to a scene or a clip 1 2 Double-click or drag the desired clip or scene to move it to the Story Board tray. Click the Effect button on the Effect tray.