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As Always you can find here manuals even of difficult TV scheme which are scan in almost perfect way.clear and fast!!!!!
Great work thanks!
Incredibly clear!!!! Well done, complete and wonderful. It could not better than this!!!!
Thank You for fast delivery for the sheme.
Everything allright.
Thanks & best regards Franz
again you did a very good job. It was fast too. Photocopy are really readable and clear
Probably it never existed a 1081 official service manual from Commodore, it's look more like a NAPCEC service manual & diagrams compilation of the 1084 series and his variants, like the nap6523, 8cm505, 1084S, 1084P and obviously the 1081. It's more complete than other scans and the quality of the scans also are far superior. It has two circuit diagrams variants of the 1081, mono and stereo versions. It doesn't include a diagram for the Philips CM8500 or CM8501, they look like the 1081 but they are slightly different.
2 Pushing up the right and left clips simultaneously in the direction A causes the memory to be raised, then pull it off in the direction B.
A 1 clip
1 clip
Note 1: With the clips left open, insert the memories so that bosses (2 places) of DIMM socket engage with slots (2 places) of memories. Note 2: Make sure that the clips are closed when the memories were inserted completely. Note 3: Insert the memories, starting from the one having smallest bank number.
memory (DIMM)
bosses (2 places) clip DIMM socket
PCV-LX700/LX800 (US) 2-6