A great copy of the manual, and the only one I could find anywhere on the net! The circuit diagrams are easily readable, all component values marked and easy to see. A highly appreciated download!
Great Manual. This manual is available no where else. It was exactly what I was looking for.
Text excerpt from page 21 (click to view)
Optical Adjustments
Condenser Lens adjustment 1 Turn the projector on by a state of without FPC cables. 2 Adjust the adjustment base of condenser lens ass�y to make color
uniformity in white. 1) If the shading appears on the left or right of the screen as shown in Fig.2-1, loosen 2 screws A with the 2.0mm hex driver, and adjust the slot B to make color uniformity in white by using a slot screwdriver. 2) If the shading appears on the top or bottom of the screen as shown in Fig.2-2, loosen 2 screws C with the 2.0mm hex driver, and adjust the slot D to make color uniformity in white by using a slot screwdriver 3 Tighten screws A and C to fix the Condenser lens unit. Note: The relay lens adjustment must be carried out after completing this adjustment. a White b