A comprehensive Operating and Service Manual. All schematics are complete and easy to read. The PCB drawings and complete parts list are very helpful. I would definitely recommend this manual.
Genuine Toshiba owner's manual. Couldn't really ask for more. And written in understandable English in contrast to a few recent experiences I have had with manuals for other equipment other than Toshiba but made in China and written in "Chinglish"!
Text excerpt from page 18 (click to view)
Installing Rhythmic Edge
JOYSTICK CONFIGURATION FOR WINDOWS® 95/98/Me/2000: 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click on the GAME CONTROLLERS icon. Select the ADVANCED tab and under PORT DRIVER ASSIGNMENT and select Philips Rhythmic Edge GamePort. 2. Select the GENERAL tab and click the Add button. You may select any one of the GAME CONTROLLERS listed, then click OK.