great site, the most easy and fastest way to find the manual you need, no 5 star because the manual was only available in german, but I speak german as well so no problem for me.
thanks for this download i got a pioneer bdp-lx70a blu-ray player and it had no manual i search everywhere on the internet and came across and i found that it was so easy to find and downloaded from this site if i ever need a manual again this would be the first place that i would come too thanks guys
Excellent copy that was delivered within 12 hours and solved my problem.
Text excerpt from page 18 (click to view)
Installing Rhythmic Edge
JOYSTICK CONFIGURATION FOR WINDOWS® 95/98/Me/2000: 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click on the GAME CONTROLLERS icon. Select the ADVANCED tab and under PORT DRIVER ASSIGNMENT and select Philips Rhythmic Edge GamePort. 2. Select the GENERAL tab and click the Add button. You may select any one of the GAME CONTROLLERS listed, then click OK.