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Great price, Quick delivery, the document was very usefull A+++++++++++++++
Thank´s for your help, I already recived these manual from you
Thank you for your manual It has the basic things to and i use the Oszi for Longer Time.
Actually, I was looking for this information for 3 years!...now thanks to you, the manual is on my hands and of great help, cause I understand now where I was doing wrong connections and wires...excellent, I'll be back to you if in need, thank you.
This manual covers the main equipment features only. While it also includes the procedure for saving and loading from the now long obsolete memory cards it does not mention the how to operate with the optional floppy drive interface so I am still at a loss about how to use this! Note that there is a separate manual covering the MIDI interface and programming via the keyboard, not included in this download. You will also need to get hold of this if you want to use the MIDI interface properly. Basically there is little difference between this manual and the free to download manual for the similar PR60 model.
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