Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Having bought a pre-owned Sony FM stereo tuner through eBay, it came without any manuals. It soon became clear that to get the best from this excellent tuner I needed a decent manual because much of the operation was not intuitive to a newboy to hi fi like me. I managed to download the official Sony multi-lingual manual from with no problem at all - a really quick and easy service. I'm very glad I did because I found out all the operations of the tuner and was then able to not only set it up quickly but also to get much more from it that poke-and-hope trialling would ever achieve. In my book $4.99 very well spent.
Text excerpt from page 37 (click to view)
Använd ej luckans handtag som fotsteg. Ugnsluckan består av två delar med värmereflekterande glas för att ge en lägre yttemperatur.
Var försiktig så att du inte skadar luckglaset. Sprickbildningar i kanterna kan leda till att det spricker efter några uppvärmningar. Ugnsluckan är utrustad med två glasskivor bakom varandra. Glasen kan tas bort för rengöring.
Var uppmärksam på att luckan blir lättare när glasskivan/glasskivorna tas bort och då lättare kan slå igen.
1 Ta tag i den övre glasskivan i den nedre kanten och skjut den mot fjädertrycket i riktning mot ugnsluckans handtag, tills att den är fri nertill (1). 2 Lyft upp glasskivan en aning nertill och dra ut den (2).