This was a hard to find manual. When I did find it , some sites wanted way too much for the file.
Owner-manual .com had it for a really reasonable price. Not only that but it was sent very quickly and was a quality scanned document, unlike some others I purchased from a different site.
Good job guys!!
Last week I bought a second hand Panasonic AG-7500 SVHS Hi-Fi Video Cassette Recorder. It is a professional machine with many video and audio options. I feared it would be a huge quest to find a manual. I was delighted when I found After payment I received the file to download the next day already. The quality is great. I am very happy. Thanks!
The owner's manual/operating instructions that I purchased was the original factory document and it was in at least three and maybe more languages. I no longer have it because I sold the tape recorder and included the owner's manual/operating instructions and a service/repair manual that I bought on ebay for the new owner.
This manual is very useful. Because pioneer sx-q180 is unhandy to use without manual.
Text excerpt from page 15 (click to view)
Voit asettaa joko ajastimen tai paistomittarin.
Ajastimen asetus.
Lihan sisälämpötilan asetus.
Yleiset ohjeet
� Kun olet valinnut toiminnon, näyttö vilkkuu n. 5 sekunnin ajan. Halutut ajat voidaan asettaa tänä aikana painikkeella + tai -. � Kun aika on asetettu, näyttö vilkkuu uudelleen n. 5 sekunnin ajan. Asetettu aika alkaa kulua. � Merkkiääni voidaan sammuttaa painamalla mitä tahansa painiketta. � Uunin haluttu toiminto ja lämpötila voidaan asettaa joko ennen kellotoimintojen asetusta tai sen jälkeen. � Käännä uunin toimintokytkin ja lämpötilan valintakytkin takaisin nolla-asentoon, kun kypsennys on päättynyt.