Very comprehensive document which is a must-have for any Satellit 2100 owner whose set up is somewhat intricate. Due to the bad quality of the pictures that are rather dark and a bit blurred I gave 4-star feedback.
The manual was missing 2 pages but when I presented the problem to the company they made every attempt to get the 2 pages to me, when they couldn't they refunded my money. A very pleasing and easy transaction. The manual they provided was the original, it was concise and to the point. I plan to do business with this company again when should the need arise.
Irrespectively of this manual exist only germany language, it's useful - although i need some additional task to translate: My english is bad, but usable - but i really dont speak germany. :)
Excellent service from this company (including a total refund on an earlier purchase when through no fault of the company the manual was incomplete). I have purchased several manuals which I have been very satisfied with, as I am with this one. Highly recommended.
Text excerpt from page 15 (click to view)
Voit asettaa joko ajastimen tai paistomittarin.
Ajastimen asetus.
Lihan sisälämpötilan asetus.
Yleiset ohjeet
� Kun olet valinnut toiminnon, näyttö vilkkuu n. 5 sekunnin ajan. Halutut ajat voidaan asettaa tänä aikana painikkeella + tai -. � Kun aika on asetettu, näyttö vilkkuu uudelleen n. 5 sekunnin ajan. Asetettu aika alkaa kulua. � Merkkiääni voidaan sammuttaa painamalla mitä tahansa painiketta. � Uunin haluttu toiminto ja lämpötila voidaan asettaa joko ennen kellotoimintojen asetusta tai sen jälkeen. � Käännä uunin toimintokytkin ja lämpötilan valintakytkin takaisin nolla-asentoon, kun kypsennys on päättynyt.