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For Model: RF366PXYQ4, RF366PXYZ4 (Designer White) (Designer Almond)
Illus. Part No. No. DESCRIPTION
NOTE: The screws and nuts required to attach a part are listed immediately following that part. 1 3172218 2 3148234 3185647 3 3148441 4 3169202 5 3148183 6 3148159 7 8 9 10 11 12 3185647 3169203 3148187 3185647 3148182 3149050 3149049 3169191 3169460 3149354 355515 3147951 3169458 3149355 3148282 3148235 3187921 307748 3393008 19 20 307935 307939 313349 21 3169105 3169472 313349 327887 309329 3181363 3188375 3182346 3188400 307980 3393008 Liner, Door Frame, Glass Screw, 8�18x3/8(6) Seal, Foam Glass, Clear Seal, Window Retainer, Insulation Screw, 8�18x3/8(4) Glass, Inner�Outer Retainer, Glass (2) Screw, 8�18x3/8(4) Bumper (4) Glass, Door Almond Mdl. White Mdl. Foil Handle, Door Almond Mdl. White Mdl. Screw (4) Insulation, Door Top, Door Almond Mdl. White Mdl. Clip (2) Frame, Glass White Mdl. Almond Mdl. Screw (3) Screw, (5) Designer White Mdl Glide, Rear Screw (2) Panel, Drawer White Almond Screw (3) 8�18 x 1/2 Handle, Drawer White Mdl. Almond Mdl. Screw (2) Drawer, Utility Protector, Drawer (2) Cap, Top White Mdl Almond Mdl. Screw (2) White Mdl. Screw, Almond Mdl.
13 14 15 18
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