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Yes thank you i got the file i was after. There was a slight problem in my communication but it all worked out well.
A job well done.
Great manual...really saved me. The only problem is that I thought I would be able to download it directly when I paid for it but never received the download instructions until the next morning. The board trace pages were somewhat light also: really need to turn up the contrast on the printer before printing them. The schematic page was great; very clear! Well worth the money.
I've been in the electronic business for a long time. I used to buy Sam's Photofact for my needs which intailed having to go to the store and paying about $20 for a package of 3 different units so I was forced to buy more than I needed just to get one.
Owner manual is just at your keyboard and the information is almost instantansouly and the cost is very reasonable. Easy to print out if needed or simply read off of the screen. The larger the screen the better for obvious reasons.
Very good manual, at a very good price. Received in a timely manner
Only thу cover has poor quality, internal material has excellent quality - exactly what I needed
The three flexible card wires are used as follows: Take care not to break the flexible card wire. This shorten the wire life. . Between DR-395 and DU-35 . Between LCD monitor and DR-395 . Between Backlight and DR-395 : Q�ty 1 : Q�ty 1 : Q�ty 1
1. Turn off the power of the unit. Type A (between the DR-395 board and the DU-35 board, and the LCD monitor and the DR-395 board) 2. Lift up the portion A in the direction of the arrow and disconnect the flexible card wire. Type B (between the backlight and the DR-395 board) 2. Slide portion B in the direction of the arrow and disconnect the flexible card wire.
n . Be careful not to insert the flexible card wires obliquely. . Check that the conductive surface of the flexible card wire is not soiled with dust. Type A 1. Lift up the portion A in the direction of the arrow. Insert the flexible card wire as far as it will go into connector with the conductive surface of the wire put down. 2. Push down the portion A to secure the flexible card wire. Type B 1. Slide portion B in the direction of the arrow and insert the flexible card wire as far as it will go into connector with the conductive surface of the wire put down. 2. Slide portion B in the opposite direction of the arrow and lock each connector.
Conductive surface Type A
B Conductive surface Type B
2-7 (E)
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