Thr Video Recorder i have is quiet Old and the Producer could Not help me. So i w as very glad to find an offer for the owners Manual for a very fair Price.a I obtained the original Manual very quick and I am happy to have it now.
The PDF copy was immediately available on download after the payment. However, I noticed that the document was in German, and Ihad to contact a German translator to get it translated it to English. The quality of document is legible can be used for my purpose.
The manual was complete and of great quality. Originally a tri-lingual file, I first received only one language. After a note to, I quickly received the remaining languages... Great service, definitely worth it.
Thank you for providing this manual and at low cost.
The Philips scope is of excellent quality, longevity and build and had a couple of faults
when it was passed to me. Having the CCT diagrams is a blessing.
I have fixed the problems and also modded the scope to my requirements.
I have built a 24v Li-Ion pack for portable use from old but good laptop batts.
it is working beautifully and I am well pleased. Keep up the good work Guys.
Text excerpt from page 3 (click to view)
electrolux 3
Egregio Cliente,
complimenti per aver scelto un elettrodomestico Electrolux che, siamo certi, avr� modo di apprezzare per le prestazioni, la qualit� e l'affidabilit� e che le render� la vita di ogni giorno piů confortevole, facile e sicura. Da sempre il nostro impegno � quello di produrre utilizzando la tecnologia piů avanzata, nel rispetto dell'ambiente e sempre in anticipo rispetto agli obblighi normativi. Oltre il 90% dei nostri elettrodomestici sono prodotti ecologici in classe A, A+, A++ e vengono raccomandati dal WWF. La lettura completa di questo libretto le permetter� un utilizzo corretto e sicuro della sua apparecchiatura e le dar� anche utili consigli sulla manutenzione piů efficiente.