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- Warnschilder im und am RW 730/Warning Label Location
- Warnhinweise zur Laserstrahlung bei der Reparatur/Warning Hints for Repairing Reason of Laser Beam
- Laserschutzbrillen/Laser Goggles
- Allgemeine Technische Daten/General Technical Data
- Einbau - Ausbau/Assembly - Disassembly
- Umgang mit der Laserabtasteinheit/Handling the Pick up
- Messmittelausrüstung/Measurement Equipment
- Hilfsmittel/Service Aids
- Blockschaltplan/Block Diagram
- Abgleich/Alignment
- Digital - Analogplatine/Main PCB
- Tastenfeld und Anzeigeplatine/Key Switch and Display PCB
- Netzschalterplatine/Power Switch PCB
- Kopfhörerbuchsenplatine/Phones Socket PCB
- Netzteilplatine/Power Supply PCB
- Tabelle Über IC - und Transistorspannungen/Table for IC - and Transistor Voltages
- IC - Blockschaltbilder/IC - Block Diagrams
- Gesamtschaltplan/General Circuit Diagram
- Pinbeschreibungen IC 301, IC 401, IC 403, IC 501, IC 502
- Fehlersuchdiagramm/Troubleshooting Chart
- Werdrahtungsplan/Wiring Diagram
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It's great to be able to obtain a precious technical information for a real old equipment. The one I got helps me a lot in the area of wiring diagram to repair my antique. PDF gave me clear enough information to find out thr details. Thanks for giving me the oppotunity to be able to access to almost vanished informations.
Another excellent aquisition. Fine detailed manual. Thanks
Good quality for the scan, complete, but as usual for Tascam, not so comprehensive !
great manual readable & easy to downlaod to be recommanded
Very useful, not the best scan, but definitely readable !
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