Super manual it contains all the things you need to service your Marantz 2100.
Text excerpt from page 121 (click to view)
PCB Diagram
9-3 CRT Board
9-3-1 Assy CRT Board
â� CRT Drive This supplies the final R/G/B signal from the F-Box and the CRT deflection signal to the CRT
9-3-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts
* GT501, GT502, GT505, GT506 : This is a port connected to the TBC-Wire and plays the role of CRT ground. * GT503, GT504 : This is a port for countermeasures against compulsory discharges and is connected to the Main Board. * CNC04 : This is a port to receive the R/G/B output signals from the Feature Box. * CNC02 : This is a port that receives power for the CRT and AMP from the Main Board. * FV1 : A port to connect the VM signal to the DY Ass'y. * FN1 : A port to connect signals to the Tilt Coil and is regured for the screen slant adjustment.