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At first I thought there had been a mix up as I required the service manual for the cassette unit and the one supplied was for the CD unit. However when I scrolled further down I realised that both had been scanned together! This enabled me to dismantle and repair the cassette unit as intended and I also have a copy of the manual for both the CD and graphic equaliser units should I ever need them. Thanks very much for a great service.
Excelent service, the manual is complete, very cheap and fast
The item received was as described, as expected. I was pleased with the order. Thank you.
Superb rendition. Drawings (schematics) complete and unabridged. I do a great deal of vintage audio restoration. Documentation is essential for successful repairs. I have found sources over the years that offer good documentation, but rarely all that is necessary. Owner's Manuals has filled that void with complete and legible documentation. They have narrowed my "favorites" to a more manageable collection. This Denon manual in particular contained the latest revisions level, and offered alterations favorable to updating the item. The Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) was well enough detailed to simplify part symbols and physical locations. You will not be disappointed!
Clear and concise. Saved me a lot of time and money.
SF-7200 SF-7M (lo) Measure the current at the front and rear frame sties. The currentd.fierence mustbe *thin 2.@. C.
Adjuetingpot Iomtlons
a. Turn the main power on and enter test command 9. The
main hgh vobge unkwill activatefor 30 seconds.
b. Measure the dmm current at the front and rear frame
sides. q When the teat harness microswitch is off, the front frame tie currentis indicatedon the meter.
When the test harness microewitchb on, the rear frame side drum currentis indkated on the meter.
THV6 pot
Rear frame stie c. MAe sure that a current difference k not greater than 2.@. If the current d~erence is greater then 2.@, repface the corona unit. (11) Adjuetthe MHVG outputcurrent. q Turn the main power on and enter test command 9. The main highvohge unitwiflactivatefor 30 SSC*. q Adjustthe MHVG output adjusting@ kcated on the high vobge unit so that the MHVG outputcurrentshouM be at 27*. b. Transfer corona output adjustment: (1) Connect the ND t&t lea&to the meter, in reference to (3)a~ to 0. (2) Cban the transfer corom wire, and mount the tranafer corona urrft m the copier. The main corona unit may be mounteddurfngthe measurement. (3) Performthe procedure(3)-a@ to 0. (4) Measure the current at the front and rear frame sides. The ourrentd.tierence mustbe-in 2.~. a. Turn the main power on and enter test cornmd 10. The transferhighvoftegeunitwiflactiate for30 seconds. b. Measure the drum current at the front and rear frame Skks. q When b teat hameae microewitch is off, W front frame aide currentis indbated on the meta.
When the test harness mfcroawitch on, the rear frame k sfdedrum currentis itikated on the mater.
,( ON)
c. M+e sure that 2.W.
a currant difference b not greeter than
If the current difference is greater than 2.%, reptace the corona unit. (~ Adjuetthe THVG outputcurrerrt.
Turn the main power on and enter teat command 10. The transferhighv~e unitwill actfvatefor 30 seconds. Adjuetthe THVG outputadjustingpot focatedon the highvoRage urrkso that the MHVG outputcurrent ehouM be at 12.0 *1.*.
$4.99 SF7350 SHARP Owner's Manual Complete owner's manual in digital format. The manual will be available for download as PDF file aft… $4.99 SF-7350 SHARP Parts Catalog Parts Catalog only. It's available in PDF format. Useful, if Your equipment is broken and You need t…
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