Exactly as described, the full user-manual (145 pages). Perfect.
Text excerpt from page 4 (click to view)
1 approximately cupsof cookedrice by volume. RinsericeuncookedricemaKes Measure ricewith the measuring cup provided. One cup of 3 in a separtebowl until
water becomesrelativelv clear.
Placerinsed ricein thepan.Addwater according thefollorving to standard. Usinglhe mad<irqs the pan on Usinglhe measuring cup
water to be added
e.g.To cook 15 cups of rice,rinsethe put pan Raw rice by cup rice, it intothe and then add waterto LEVELINDICATOR 15.
Setthe panin thecooker. placeit correctly the To on heater, thepangently rightand left.Cover turn to with the lid and letricesoakapproximately minutes. 30
Plugin. Do not plug in untilreadyto cook.Otherwise, rice may be ruined.
lf the pan is not in the cooker,cookingwill not begin.
5 Pressthe switcha red " Cooking" lamptellsyoucookinghas \
6 7
Wnrnrice done, switch pop and "Cooking" goes is the will up the lamp out. At rrtheswitch pops leave lidclosed at least minutes steam up; the for 15 to rice.
Unplug after use. Grasp plug,notthecord. the