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- Service - Hinweise/Service - Notes/Renseignements de service
- Fehlerbestimmung/Localizzazione del difetto/Fault Location/La localisation d'un défaut
- Service - Einstellungen - Symbole/Regulazione di servizio - simboli/Service - Adjustments - Symbols/Reglage de service - symboles
- Blockschaltbild/Block Diagram/Schéma à bloc
- Service - Lagepläne/Posizioni regolatori/Layout Diagrams/Disposition des régleurs
- Chassis, Bestückungsseite/Telaio, lato inserzione componenti/Chassis, Component Side/Chassis, côté d'insertion
- Stereo - Decoder/Decodificatore stereo/Stereo Decoder/Decodeur stéréo
- Bildröhrenplatte, Lötseite/Piastra cinescopio, lato saldature/CRT - Board, Solder Side/Platine du tube - image, côté soudoures
- Schaltbild Bedienteil/Schéma Panello di controllo/Circuit Diagrams Control Unit/Schéma électronique de commande
- Schaltbild kompl./Schema compl./Circuit Diagram Compl./Schema compl.
- T 6347 VT (E), T 7047 VT (E)
- T 6347 VT (D), T 7047 VT (D), M 5524 VT (D)
- Video - Text - Modul modulo televidio/Video Text - Modul/Videotex module
- Chassis, Lötseite/Telaio, lato saldature/Chassis, Solderside/Châssis, côté soudures
- Ersatzteillisten/Lista ricambi/List of Spare Parts/Liste de pièces détachées
- T 7047 VT (D)
- T 6347 VT (D)
- M 5524 VT (D)
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Hi, thankyou for providing the Nordmende Globetrotter original manufacturer's repair manual. Quality is very good and sharp - the PDF file was comfortably small to download. The only question is: why did it take so long to become ready for download?? Many thanks anyway, I fixed the fault in the radio thanks to the circuit.
regards: Nick
This was super service.Ordered this manual and was reading the download an hour later
as always, rapid and efficient, very good and clear prints
details clearly visible keep going this way!!!!!!
I expect a wonderful result as alaways!!!!!!
Usually is much faster....
Wow very wonderful and clear!!!! I will always trust them
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