I purchased the unit from a private party and the original owners manual was not available. Having the ability to download it was extremely helpful and clarified operating the equipment immensely. This is a complicated unit and without the manual I would not have been able to maximize it's potential. Thank you.
Being a user of older radios of many kinds, preferring them over more modern rigs, this manual was invaluable in the programming of my two. I now know for certain what the assorted buttons functions are, and am very grateful to have found this excellent site. Many thanks for your assistance, Tony.
5 star quality on these downloadable manuals. Easy to read and all the information is there. A must when doing a custom install or needing to service your precious old school electronics.
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Dansk: Tak fordi De valgte en Volta Rolfy. Følg venligst brugsanvisningens råd og anvisninger, for at opnå fuld tilfredshed. Gem brugsanvisningen, den skal følge med støvsugeren, hvis den overdrages til en ny ejer, ligeledes er den rar at have i tvivlstilfælde.
Swenska: Tack för att du valde en Volta Rolfy. För att uppnå bästa städresultat, läs denna instruktionsbok noggrant. Behåll den för framtida bruk.
Norsk: Takk for at du har valgt en Volta Rolfy. For å oppnå best resultat, les nøye igjennom denne bruksanvisningen. Spar på boken for referanse og la den følge maskinen dersom den skifter eier.
Suomi:Kiitos kun valitsit Volta Rolfy -pölynimurin. Jotta pölynimurisi vastaisi odotuksiasi, lue tämä ohjekirja huolellisesti. Säilytä se tulevan varalle.