My first manual from but not the last! I am very satisfied with the easy ordering and promt delivery of a manual I did not find anywhere else.
This manual is very helpfull to use the Power Supply. All technical information has been available.
For service use the circuit diagrams are very good.
Thanks .
Very comprehensive document which is a must-have for any Satellit 2100 owner whose set up is somewhat intricate. Due to the bad quality of the pictures that are rather dark and a bit blurred I gave 4-star feedback.
The manual was missing 2 pages but when I presented the problem to the company they made every attempt to get the 2 pages to me, when they couldn't they refunded my money. A very pleasing and easy transaction. The manual they provided was the original, it was concise and to the point. I plan to do business with this company again when should the need arise.
Text excerpt from page 7 (click to view)
Ukljucenje usisivaca
A Ukljucivanje i iskljucivanje Usisivac se ukljucuje zakretanjem kontrole u smjeru strelice � max. Indikatorska lampica pokazuje da je usisivac ukljucen na napajanje i da je spreman za upotrebu.
B Kontrola snage Podešavanje snage pomocu zakretne kontrole Snaga usisavanja može se, pomocu kontrole snage, podesiti tako da odgovara bilo kojem slucaju cišcenja. NAPOMENA: Ako je zakretna kontrola okrenuta u potpunosti u desno, tim podešenjem cete dobiti snažan usis ali i ekonomicno podešenje za vecinu poslova usisavanja.
C Tipka MEGA POWER Pritisnite tipku MEGA POWER za poslove cišcenja koji zahtjevaju posebno visoku usisnu snagu. Usisivac tada radi na maksimalnoj snazi. Svjetlosni indikator MEGA POWER svjetli toliko dugo koliko je aktiviran stupanj MEGA POWER. Na tom podešenju snage, zakretna kontrola ima jedino funkciju ON/OFF (ukljuceno/iskljuceno). Podešavanje usisne snage nije moguce na tom podešenju.