I want to give you a real heads-up for your desire to enable such people as I to acquire the information I need to maintain the older types of equipment such as this Akai HXA351W. You do a swell job with all the processes you have to perform so I can have a legible, thus usable
document which does not send me crazy trying to figure out the blurry text of a bad copy.
Very well done, Thomas.
This manual is very well presented and after printing out looks about as close to an original as I think you can get. The quality is second to none.
The content of the manual is comprehensive and I think it would be well suited to an audio repair professional which I'm not but I did find it very informative and helpful.
The cost of the manual is more than covered by the money I'll save when I change the keep memory battery now I have the relavant info.
Very pleased with my purchase and can recommend it wholeheartedly as I can other manuals I've downloaded from this site.
Limey Alex
Complete MFG Service Manual at a good price FAST !
Text excerpt from page 1 (click to view)
Ver 1.0 2005.01
3 1 2
US Model Canadian Model AEP Model Chinese Model
Ref. No. 1 2 3 4 Part No. 2-514-456-01 2-514-457-01 2-184-046-01 3-090-589-01 not supplied Description LENS (MAIN), W CAP, FRONT CAP (BLACK), REAR POUCH, CARRYING MANUAL, INSTRUCTION