The quality of this manual is good. It has all schematics and setup information for both the MDS-B3 and the MDS-B4. The scan quality is quite good, all pages are readable, This service manual also contains scans of the operating instructions from the User manual.
Das Service Manual war von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite sehr informativ und hilfreich. Die Darstellung aller Teile war klar und der Text gut lesbar.
Vielen Dank, das war nicht der letzte Download bei
It's a grate service manuals.Have many details and the writing it's so clear.You have all you want in manual,nothing missing,belive me.I'm verry satisfied of this manual.
Text excerpt from page 66 (click to view)
1-A. Preliminary/Final Checking and Alignment of Tape Path
Purpose: To make sure that the tape path is well stabilized. Symptom of Misalignment: If the tape path is unstable, the tape will be damaged. Note: Do not use an Alignment Tape for this procedure. If the unit is not correctly aligned, the tape may be damaged. 1. Playback a blank cassette tape and check to see that the tape runs without creasing at Guide Rollers [2] and [3], and at points A and B on the lead surface. (Refer to Fig M3 and M4.) 2. If creasing is apparent, align the height of the guide rollers by turning the top of Guide Rollers [2] and [3] with a Guide Roller Adj. Screwdriver. (Refer to Fig. M3 and M5.)
Guide Roller [2] Guide Roller [3]
3. Check to see that the tape runs without creasing at Take-up Guide Post [4] or without snaking between Guide Roller [3] and AC Head. (Fig. M3 and M5) 4. If creasing or snaking is apparent, adjust the Tilt Adj. Screw of the AC Head. (Fig. M6)
Azimuth Adj. Screw
AC Head X-Value Adj. Screwdriver
Tilt Adj. Screw
Fig. M6
1-B. X Value Alignment
Purpose: To align the Horizontal Position of the Audio/Control/ Erase Head.
AC Head
B Take-up Guide Post [4]
Symptom of Misalignment: If the Horizontal Position of the Audio/Control/Erase Head is not properly aligned, maximum envelope cannot be obtained at the Neutral position of the Tracking Control Circuit. 1. Connect the oscilloscope to TP301 (C-PB) and TP503 (CTL) on the Main CBA. Use TP504 (RFSW) as a trigger. 2. Playback the Gray Scale of the Alignment Tape (FL6NS8) and confirm that the PB FM signal is present. 3. Set the Tracking Control Circuit to the center position by pressing CH UP button then � PLAY � button on the unit. (Refer to note on bottom of page 2-3-4.)
Fig. M3
Lead Surface of Cylinder
Fig. M4
4. Use the X-Value Adj. Screwdriver so that the PB FM signal at TP301 (C-PB) is maximum. (Fig. M6) 5. Press CH UP button on the unit until the CTL waveform has shifted by approx. +2msec. Make sure that the envelope is simply attenuated (shrinks in height) during this process so that you will know the envelope has been at its peak.