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Die gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung wurde vereinbarungsgemäß in deutsch bereitgestellt. Sie ist gut lesbar. Kein Kauderwelsch.
Danke für den Service.
Excellent product and service. I bought a second-hand Casio CPS-60 keyboard which had no manual. Packed full of features which I had no idea how to operate . . .
Google search found this site (and others with the same manual for sale for $8.99!)
I bought the manual and within an hour the download was available. Quality of the scanned images is good - very clear - and the PDF has been created with the pages in the correct order.
I would definitely use this site again.
I found this rare manual, in french ! The brand of my washing machine is not famous but this site had the manual, that is perfect.
The manual was everything that I wanted. Clearly printed and delivered in very quick time. Would certainly use again if I needed a manual in the future
Note : To make a SkypeOut call, it is necessary to dial the country prefix before the phone number you are calling, i.e. 00, 011 or +. For example: When making calls to North America : 00-1-905-1234567 or 011-1-905-1234567 When making international calls : 00-852-12345678 or +852-12345678 TIP : To enter +, press and hold To clear entered numbers, press . .
WARNING - Emergency Call : Skype does not support emergency call. Please use normal telephone line in case of emergency.
Answer Call
When an incoming call arrives, the phone will ring and the LED will flash quickly. To answer the call, press .
TIP : To deny a call, press . You can answer other incoming calls during a call. A call waiting tone can be heard, and the LED on the phone will flash quickly. To pick up the incoming call, press . The original call will be put on hold.
Note : When you are in DND (Do Not Disturb) status in Skype, the phone will not ring. LED on the phone will still flash to notify you of the incoming call.
TIP : You can set the ring tone off through the VOIP080 driver. For more information, see page 18.
End Call
To end a call, press .
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