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Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
PHILIPS PE1642 Owner's Manual
you have complet fullfilled my expectance.
Price is OK.
Robert Schmid
Text excerpt from page 23 (click to view)
Viewing Live Camera Images
Changing the Layout of the Split Screens
1. Press the [MENU] button. � Open the menus in accordance with the instructions provided in MENU Screen Operations (page 17) in the sequence of [MENU] � [LIVE PICTURE]. � The layout pattern name that is set is displayed at the center of the screen. � First of all, the �QUAD-A� screen will be displayed. * The layout cannot be changed when in the playback mode. � Press the [0] button to select the black screen. � Press the [SEQUENCE] button for at least one second to return the blue border to the previous sub-screen and display the screen as it was prior to amendment. 5. Press the [SPLIT] button. � The split-screen selection screen will be displayed. Repeat procedures 2 to 5 to change the �6 WAY�, �9 WAY� or any other split-screen display layouts. 6. Press the [RETURN] button. � A confirmation screen will be displayed.
2. Press [ / ] to select the split layout required. � Changes sequentially in the order of �QUAD-A� � �QUAD-B� � �QUAD-C� � �6 WAY� � �9 WAY� � �QUAD-A� when [ ] is pressed.
* The above is an example of �QUAD� screen. 7. Select �SAVE� with [ / ], and then press the [SET]
3. Press the [SET] button. � The sub-screen will be displayed within the blue border at the top left-hand side of the screen.
button. � Changes the layout of the split screen. * Press [CANCEL] to return to the top menu screen. CAUTION It is not possible to set �QUAD-A�, �QUAD-B� and �QUAD-C� at the same location when setting up the layout for �QUAD� screens.
* The above is an example of �QUAD� screen. 4. Press any of the [1] to [9] buttons. � The camera input that corresponds to the number pressed will be displayed as a sub-screen inside the blue border. � The blue border moves to the next sub-screen.