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Home >> PIONEER >> VSA-E07/HY Owner's Manual
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Owner's Manual

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  • PDF Format
  • Complete manual
  • Language: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese
Price: $4.99

Description of PIONEER VSA-E07/HY Owner's Manual

Complete owner's manual in digital format. The manual will be available for download as PDF file after You purchase it.

Owner's Manual ( sometimes referred to as User's Guide or User's Manual ) contains information on how to use Your device. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address.

The manual is available in languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese

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Other Reviews
 HD-600 KENWOOD Owner's Manual by John Copeland;
Having purchased a 1994 Kenwood music system from a Charity shop in 2013 (it was a high end product in its day), I found myself not quite knowing where to plug in what, and how to do this, that and the next thing. I needed a Manual, and after failure with another online 'Manual provider' I found Owner Manuals dot com. Well, I wasn't sure, but it was only $5, and if things didn't work out, I wouldn't have lost much... But things DID work out. After paying my childrens inheritance money, $4.99, I was sent a Manual for my Kenwood System very quickly. Alas, it was in German, and being Scottish, I could not read it or get my system in order from it...a rapid email to them brought the English Manual in short order, and my retro-system was and IS up and running in it's regulation settings. I am very grateful to for their quick service and for even having such an obsolete Manual in the first place! If you need a Manual for ANYTHING, try here first. I wouldn't be surprised if I bought a 1928 Marconi radio, and got the user Manual for THAT here too! Top marks. John Copeland Glasgow Scotland
 CADW248 AIWA Owner's Manual by Irene Lambert;
I was so happy that the owner's manual was available. It is well written and helped me to use the radio/CD player/recorder without problems. Thanks for making it available. Irene Lambert
 CXNMTD9 AIWA Owner's Manual by Paul Greer;
Excellant!!! Very quick and easy....Best $4.99 I have spent in a very long time.. I highly recommend this.
 PS-FL1 SONY Owner's Manual by Laurence White;
Thanks so much for the Owner's manual for my Sony PS - FL1. I had purchased the turntable off of eBay. It came in and looked great. Packed well and appeared to be great. I balanced and aligned the tone are and hooked it up. When trying to play a record the tone are would move to the right place and just before it would drop to play it moved back off the edge of the record before touching down. I searched the net for an answer to this issue. No luck. Then I purchased the owners manual and sure enough there was a place to adjust where the stylus touched down. That adjustment solved the problem and saved me a $35 feet to have the player checked out. The manual is well written and easy to understand. It is a must have for anyone with this front loading Sony turntable.
 G-9000 SANSUI Owner's Manual by Laurence White;
Some years back I pruchased a Sansui G-9000. I had it cleaned up and a problem with the left channel repaired. When I got it back I hooked it up to my tape decks, turn tables, TV and it played great. The only thing I was not really satisfied with was the performance of my Graphic Equalizer. I purchased this owner's manual had poured myself a cup of coffee. The manual is well organized and written in plain language. It also contained the solution to my dissatisfaction. By using the preamp connections coupled I was able to run everything through my graphic equalizer and now enjoy the full potential of my complete system.

Text excerpt from page 60 (click to view)
Fernbedienung anderer Komponenten

� Die folgende Bedienfunktionen lassen sich über die Fernbedienung des Verstärkers auslösen, nachdem diese entsprechend auf UKW/MW-Tunerbedienung programmiert ist. Manche Bedienfunktionen müssen allerdings separat durch den Verstärker programmiert werden (siehe �Einstellung der Fernbedienung auf die Ansteuerung anderer Komponenten� auf Seite 50-53). � Zur Ausführung der folgenden Bedienfunktionen drücken Sie die LINE/TUNER-Taste, um die Fernbedienung auf Tunerbetrieb zu schalten.


� 5 4 3 2 �


+ +

1 4 7

2 5 8 0

3 6 9 L1

Ein- oder Ausschalten der Stromversorgung des Tuners.

6 7


Wahl des MW- oder UKW-Empfangsbereichs Umschalten zwischen automatischem Stereo- und Monoempfang von UKW-Sendungen. Bei schwachem Einfallssignal wird die Klangqualität durch Wahl von Monoempfang verbessert.


1 098-

4 TUNING �/+
Manuelle Einstellung von Sendern

Wahl von Festsendern

6 Zifferntasten
Eingabe von Sendern und Frequenzen

7 L1
Freie Programmierung (nicht bei allen Modellen möglich)

Aktivierung der direkten Sendereinstellung durch Frequenzeingabe

Umschalten der Festsenderklassen (A, B oder C)

Umschalten zwischen Displaybetriebsarten

Aktivierung der RF-Dämpfung beim Empfang starker UKW-Signale (Ortssender) zur Reduzierung von Klangverfälschungen.


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