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Good quality, all schematics of few of models. There is also short form of user manual and regulation manual.
Perfect copy of the service manual. you can enlarge every page, and it comes up
with all details.
It´s very very nice manual with all, what i need. Original in good quality. Very fast business. Very much thanks...
Purchased the manual that I was looking for at a great price and could download it easily.. Great service experience and for future purchases I plan to use the site.
Thank you very much
Exactly what was needed to assess the product - excellent value and great service
Checking the output PWB unit
Are there signal inputs at No SC1404, SC1405, SC1501 and SC1502? Are voltages applied to EA connectors and SC5502? If there is no signal at EA connector or SC5502, go to Yes Checking the power unitblock.
If there is no signal at SC1501 and SC1502, go to the video system block.
If there is no signal at SC1404 and SC1405, go to "Trouble shooting table for PC I/F unit".
Are there signal outputs at pins (14) ,(16) and (18) of IC1401 ?
Check IC1401 and their peripheral circuits.
Are there signal inputs at pin (47) of IC1101, IC1201 and IC1301?
Check IC1401 and their peripheral circuits.
Are there signal outputs at pins (17), (19), (21), (27), (29) and (31) of IC1101, IC1201 and IC1301?
Check IC1101,IC1201,IC1301 and their peripheral circuits.
If there is no signal input at pins (1) and (24) of SC1101, SC1102 and SC1103, check the switching circuit and amplifier circuit of IC1101, IC1201, and IC1301, and their peripheral circuits.
Are there signal inputs at SC1101, SC1201 and SC1301? Yes Yes
Check the R, G and B panels.
If there is no signal input at pins (8) and (23) of SC1101, SC1102 and SC1103, check IC1409 and their peripheral circuits.
Check IC1406, IC1407, IC1408 and their peripheral circuits.