The manual was complete and of great quality. Originally a tri-lingual file, I first received only one language. After a note to, I quickly received the remaining languages... Great service, definitely worth it.
Thank you for providing this manual and at low cost.
The Philips scope is of excellent quality, longevity and build and had a couple of faults
when it was passed to me. Having the CCT diagrams is a blessing.
I have fixed the problems and also modded the scope to my requirements.
I have built a 24v Li-Ion pack for portable use from old but good laptop batts.
it is working beautifully and I am well pleased. Keep up the good work Guys.
Awesome quality manual. You really saved my bacon with this one. Was looking for some specific information with regards to my "new" vintage VCR that didn't come with the owners manual. This site is truely a goldmine of available manuals. The quality of the scans are top notch.
Thank-you so much for this awesome manual. If you're looking for this Sony SL-HF400 owners manual, this is the one you NEED to buy. Definitely worth the money.
The manual was made available promptly. I is a clean scan of the original. I had no problem downloading it. The scan was well centered and cleanly formatted. It is as good a product as can be had without being the original document.
Tabuleiro - grelha
O forno está equipado com um tabuleiro esmaltado que recolhe os sucos da cozedura das carnes na grelha ou no espeto, e com uma grelha para a cozedura, cozedura que, pode ser feita tanto na grelha, como no tabuleiro. Aparelhos com largura 90 cm: Nos modelos que estão equipados com paragem automática (Fig. 8), tanto no caso de cozedura na grelha, como no espeto, aconselha-se, a fim de evitar que se suje muito o forno, que se introduza o tabuleiro (A - Fig. 8) nos encaixes que estão por baixo da grelha (B - Fig. 8). Se vai cozer com o tabuleiro debaixo da grelha, coloque como está indicado na Fig. 8.