Thanks to! This manual was exactly what I needed. As Amana was purchased by Maytag and later by Whirlpool, there was no way to receive it from their websites. I was lucky to find this resource.
A comprehensive Operating and Service Manual. All schematics are complete and easy to read. The PCB drawings and complete parts list are very helpful. I would definitely recommend this manual.
Text excerpt from page 2 (click to view)
Upute za korisnika
Tehni�ki podaci Upozorenja Opis aparata Uporaba aparata Savjeti za uporabu Održavanje i �iš�enje Što u�initi ako aparat ne radi Uvjeti jamstva Servis 3 4 6 7 11 12 13 14 14
Upute za postavljanje
Sigurnosne napomene Postavljanje Zamjena sijalice pe�nice Promjena plina 14 15 18 18
Kako �itati uputu za uporabu ? Dolje navedeni simboli poslužiti �e Vam kao vodi� pri �itanju ove upute za uporabu. Sigurnosne napomene